The Pirate King's Stage list

Theatre is a dying art in England - but there are still a lot of good things to see.

David Benson

Think no evil of us ticket

This is a one man show focusing on the last day in the life of the comic Kenneth Williams.

It is, in turn, touching, funny, disturbing, thought-provoking, and - ultimately - extremely moving.

David Benson is a performer whose well-observed mimicry can make you believe that Williams is actually there - and this without closing your eyes.

This was a snip at £4. If you get the chance to see it, grab it with both hands.


Guards! Guards!

This is the first professional stage production of a Pratchett Discworld Novel.

Pratchett's books are justifiably famous for their complexity and, as those who attended the Studio Theatre Club's epic (3 hour) production of "Jingo" will attest, the great man is reluctant to see any cuts made.

Guards! Guards! Has been brought down to a trifle over 2 hours and sits comfortably in this time. A certain amount of the novel has been sacrificed but Geoffrey Cush's adaptation has clarity and pace while retaining the fidelity of the major plotline.

The sets are marvellous and ingeniously used - as is the lighting. The sound is good overall - but in the theatre I saw it in I did have to ask my neighbour "What did he say?" for one recorded section.

The casting is inspired - with what must be the definitive professional Vimes (Paul Darrow), Carrot (Iain Stirland), and Patrician (Peter Yapp). (I say "professional" because the STC's variants of these are, for me, the definitive.) However, Roz McCutcheon, David Brett, Roger Bingham, and Rob Swinton are unrivalled as Lady Ramkin, Nobby, Sergeant Colon, and the Arch-Chancellor.

In short, this is a "must see".


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