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Traditional Music

Whistle Tutorial - Lesson 1.1




CONGRATULATIONS ON choosing to play the whistle. No instrument is out-and-out easy to play; each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it might be fair to say that the whistle has a lot of things going for it. One major plus is that you don't need to tune it. (Well, that's not strictly always true, but compared to, say, the mandolin, it's a breeze!) Another two are its cheapness and portability. Next time you see a double bass player struggle into a pub session, take a moment to think what a sensible decision you made.

This beginners tutorial is intended to get you started on the whistle, and give you an introduction to Scottish music, as well as Irish and other music of the world on the way. At times you will get frustrated at your seeming lack of progress, but unless you are completely tone deaf and inept (and I doubt you will be), you'll end up surprising yourself.

The emphasis is on FUN. That's not to say it won't be hard work, but it will be worth it.


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