(Oven Ready Logo)

Oven Ready Software Ltd.

Who is "Oven Ready Software"?
This is the computer consultancy that I own. I had considered "Pirate Software" but I felt that it might attract the wrong kind of attention!


Throughout my career I have regularly suffered from "back of the parade" syndrome.

This is a distressing disorder which manifests itself as days spent reverse engineering a design whose original designer was too lazy to document it in the first place (and who is getting all the glory while you get to follow behind with the bucket and shovel...).

As a professional engineer my ethic is that anything I create should not be difficult to install, operate, or maintain. It should work straight out of the box - hence the company name!


With over 10 years of experience as a hardware and software design engineer of embedded systems and applications in the communications, instrumentation, and SCADA markets I offer the following expertise:


If you have a specific requirement or enquiry regarding my services then please email me at oven.ready@argonet.co.uk.

© 1998 Oven Ready Software Ltd.
Page design by Oven Ready Software.