Scooter's Scratchings for Winter 1998/99

That tree's back.

Last year I mentioned that John had put up this tree that wasn't real, right in the bay where my bed now is. Well, he has done it again!

He must think I'm stupid: I know it isn't a real tree, just as I realised last year; yet there it is, and again with lots of strange items either hanging on it or draped across it.

Recent weeks have seen several cats I haven't met before coming in the cat-flap; but I've seen them off! One is particularly cheeky, spitting at me as if I were the intruder, and even jumping up onto the kitchen worktop—something I know we cats aren't supposed to do. Our tabby friend still comes in, but he is no trouble so we let him come in to feed, and even to stay the night sometimes. If he comes more than twice in the same day I have a go at him, to keep him in line. He is okay after that, for a while anyway.

I haven't been getting so many table scraps during the last two months or so: they still come, but not so often. This is because John entertains a friend of ours called Adelaide once or twice a week, for reasons I don't understand. Now sometimes this means some goodies for me, but sometimes it doesn't, as they both seem to like things I can't have.

Sometimes they offer me a bit and it just doesn't smell right to me—there are all these herbs and spices the humans add, and I don't usually like those. Even so, I do all right, I suppose: it's just that it could be better, and I must never let them think it's good enough, otherwise they won't try to improve matters (hee-hee!). We cats have to be crafty like that, you know!

More "purr-sonal" stuff from me next time.