Scooter's Scratchings for Summer 1998

Well that was an interesting Summer I must say! Lucky has now gone for good, and although I haven't exactly made friends with the stray Tabby who comes in at least once a day, I do tolerate him most of the time.

He often comes in twice a day to feed, and my master makes sure there's enough food down for both of us (I've caught him quietly topping-up where our friend has been, hoping I won't notice!) but I will always stop the naughty fellow trying it on too often.

Only last night I caught him trying to sneak in again, late at night, but I hissed at him through the cat-flat (bet that surprised him!) and that put paid to that little escapade. I hid under the kitchen counter for a long time, just to make sure, but we laid down the ground rules some time ago, so he knows not to try anything again in a hurry.

Recent weather has been hot, just like it was at this time last year, so I've been flaking out on the (cool) kitchen floor-tiles much of the time, or on the patio while it was in the shade. I've also started going out the front much more than I have ever done before. I just sit on the sill by the front door (it's very low) and look up at the door handle, and my master quickly gets the message. I first peer round the door to check that all is well out there and that there are no obvious dangers, then I move onto the inside doormat, and when I am confident that it is safe to go outside, only then do I step out.

My master often comes out the front too, and we play chasing games on the front lawn, or we sit together on the low wall that steps up from the front path to the lawn. I hide under the funny bush in the front garden, and often rest there in the shade.

Yesterday I popped into next door's front garden but was spotted by their youngster, four-year-old Charlotte. I don't really like young humans as they can pester me a lot and tend to stroke my fur the wrong way; but I know my master is quite fond of Charlotte so I was kind to her and let her stroke me.

They have a cat too, one that tried to adopt my master a few weeks ago (you know that we adopt humans, not the other way around as they like to think!) but I put a swift, decisive end to that when I encountered her, so Lady (as they call her) moved in next door instead, probably just to spite me.

We don't like each other at all, but we tend to keep to our own homes anyway, so it isn't really a problem. Even so, I heard my master speaking to the people next door while Charlotte was stroking me, and it sounds as though he will be taking care of Lady's needs while they are away for a week, very soon now. Hmph! As long as he doesn't deprive me in any way, I suppose that will be all right, just this once...