Scooter's Scratchings for Spring 1997

It has all been rather strange around here since my last "scratchings", as humans have been coming and going, bringing things here, making loud noises and doing things I don‘t understand.

One of them has come again today. He was here much of last week, taking down our old damaged fence at the back and side of the garden, and putting in a new fence. This looks very solid, and there are no gaps so now I cannot watch the other cats go by (they don‘t dare come into our garden any more˜I‘ve seen to that!) on the pathway there.

My Master has been giving me more treats, and has started to share something he calls "kebabs" with me. I get delicious meat (the only red meat I get now, as tinned lamb, beef or duck upsets me sometimes) and quite a lot of it too. There‘s still lots of fish of course, and fresh chicken about once a week, and kebabs. The Iams crunchies have now all gone, sadly, but they do flavoured dried meals that are very similar, so I‘m getting those instead.

I have been watching the animals in the pond: I think they must have been sleeping until the sunny weather began. I‘m told they are called frogs and they sometimes come up on top of the water and stay there in the sun. I like to lie on the mossy bit at one side of the pond, or on the gravel by the garden seat (if I roll over the gravel scratches my back very nicely), or sometimes I go on the wooden seat things that overlook the garden.

My Master has let me have some of my pictures here this time, so have a look in the middle to see me "at home".