Scooter's Scratchings for Autumn 1997

This has been a bit of a funny time, what with all the workmen coming and my master also doing a lot of strange things to our home. At least it all seems to have finished at long last, and I don‘t feel the need to run away and hide from the dust and noise any more.

It has been so hot these past few months: I haven‘t felt like doing anything during the daytime, and have slept much of the time, coming to life at night. It has been too hot for those kebabs that I like so much, so we‘ve hshared cold meats: turkey, chickn, ham and beef. It has just cooled down in the last few weeks, so we‘ve started to have kebabs again. My master has found a place to get hot chicken portions, and we sometimes have those between us.

We got a lot of moths and other flying things come into the kitchen in the Summer evenings, and I could sometimes catch them to eat. Now it‘s just bluebottles, and not many of those.

I have given up trying to get at the fish in the pond: I simply cannot reach them, and don‘t like getting my paws wet anyway, so I usually just sit at the side of the pond and watch them. My master has caught me trying to catch one, and tells me off, so that‘s another reason not to bother.

My private place, called "the garage" by my master and the other humans, is at last being made much better. There is now a carpet in there, just like the ones indoors, and the roof has been repaired so it doesn‘t let the water in when it rains: not that there was ever more than a trickle at one end. It is going to be painted inside too, sometime during the next few weeks.

It‘s good living here! More "mews" next time.